​Since 1984, the San Antonio Association of Building Engineers has been serving its members by providing information on all aspects of the Building Engineer trade.

Building Engineers must use every possible resource to accomplish all the tasks that the job requires.  Knowing what resources are available requires regular exposure to the knowledge and experience of others in the same field and to the best service and product professionals.

SAABE holds membership meetings monthly which are educational in nature and cover a vast array of topics relating to the Building Engineering Profession. SAABE also offers a network of Associate (Vendor) Members from virtually every professional trade associated with Building Engineering. These members are always available to mentor our Engineer members, even if they do not conduct business together.

SAABE has a Certified Building Engineer program for our members to not only recognize proficiency, but also to encourage further education and training. Four levels of certification are offered; In Training, Apprentice, Journeyman and Master. Each level requires certain minimum criteria be met prior to issuance of a certificate. Years of experience and education are the main criteria needed for credentialing.

SAABE is all about education and training. We strive to ensure the Building Engineers in San Antonio remain the best in the San Antonio and surrounding areas! As our membership grows, our training and educational opportunities will only get better!

Our General Membership includes Building Engineers from a wide variety companies covering many buildings and facilities in San Antonio and the surrounding areas.  We provide opportunities for Building Engineers, Maintenance Technicians and assistants to develop relationships with our vendor Associate Members, gain current up to date knowledge on industry trends and have direct access to products and services needed for a variety of building needs.

Join SAABE Today!

Click here for an application & current membership rates.

If you would like to speak with someone regarding SAABE and it's benefits please contact our Membership Director.